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Local thermal discomfort

Calculates the percentage of a group of people who are supposed to complain due to different local phenomena.


Input Result
Temperature room t= ˚C ˚C
Average air speed v= m/s
Turbulence intensity Tu= % %
Percentage of dissatisfied DR= % %

Vertical temperature difference

Input Result
Temperature at head th= ˚C ˚C
Temperature at feet tf= ˚C ˚C
Percentage of dissatisfied PD= % %

Floor temperature

Input Result
Floor temperature tg= ˚C
Percentage of dissatisfied PD= %

Radiant surface

Indata Resultat
Strålande yta
Temperature room tr= ˚C ˚C
Temperatur surface ty= ˚C ˚C
Percentage of dissatisfied PD= % %


Percentage of dissatisfied

How are you going to stop the proportion of people who are in the local area who are expected to complain about the climate.

Floor temperature

The temperature the floor holds.

Average air speed

Refers to the velocity of air creating the drag. Up to 0.4 m/s.

Temperature room

The temperature of the air in the room.

Temperatur at head

The temperature of the air at the head.

Temperatur at feet

The temperature of the air at the feet.

Temperatur vid yta

The temperature of the current surface.

Turbulence intensity

A factor that shows how turbulent air is normally between 30-60%.

Warm wall

The temperature of the heat radiating vertical surface that gives off heat to the room. The formula applies with a temperature difference of less than 35°C.

Warm ceiling

The temperature of the radiant horizontal surface of the ceiling that gives off heat to the room. The formula applies with a temperature difference of less than23˚C.

Cold wall

The temperature of the cold radiating vertical surface which gives off cooling to the room. The formula applies with a temperature difference of less than15˚C.

Cold ceiling

The temperature of the cold radiant horizontal surface of the ceiling that gives cooling to the room. The formula applies with a temperature difference of less than15˚C.


Draft: Draft
Vertical temperature difference: Vertical temperature difference
Floor temperature: Floor temperature
Warm wall: Warm wall
Warmt ceiling: Warm ceiling
Cold wall: Cold wall
Cold ceiling: Cold ceiling